Latest News 23.4.24

Student Update FormsReturn to note drawer in office ONLY if corrections required
WA Assistance SchemeStudent Numbers are available on previous school reports and NAPLAN reports
Outstanding Term 1 accounts
Interschool Swimming CarnivalSelected Y4-6 Students
Parliament House ExcursionYear 6
Wednesday 24 AprilInterschool Swimming Carnival
Thursday 25 AprilANZAC Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 30 AprilP&C Meeting
Tuesday 30 AprilMaths Club
Wednesday 1 MayRunning Club Commences

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Carers

It was lovely that so many parents and grandparents were able to join us for our Anzac Day service this afternoon. Thank you to those who were able to join us. Each year the Year 3 students lead our school’s commemorative service, and each year I am impressed by their depth of knowledge and understanding about Anzac Day and its significance. On behalf of everyone present, I wish to thank the Year 3 children and their teachers, Mrs Hopetoun-Smith and Ms DeBrass. Thank you for sharing your wonderful writing, for speaking so clearly, singing beautifully and for the time and care you invested to bring us a very special service.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank our special guests, Mr Alan Gronow from North Beach RSL and Luca Del Borello, student at Churchlands SHS who played The Last Post and Reveille; our Year 6 Captains and Year 6 Technology Leaders; Rockapella (our school choir); the families who donated flowers and greenery for the wreaths; and the volunteers (parents and former students) who arranged them. Thank you for your valued contributions.

Lest We Forget   

Best wishes

Interschool Swimming Carnival

Good luck to our Kapinara team representing us at the Interschool Swimming Carnival tomorrow. We hope that many parents can come along and cheer them on. If you are not able to make it, SSWA will be livestreaming the event through a closed link. Please contact the office if you need to access this link and we will send it through to you.

Running Club

Running Club will commence for interested Year 3-6 students in Week 3 (1 May) after the Interschool Swimming Carnival and the upcoming Public Holiday.

Wednesday mornings – 7.45am-8.30am
Thursday Afternoons – 3.00pm-3.45pm

Registration not required, interested students to meet on the oval.

National Anime Day

A message from our Year 6 Student Leaders

On Monday, 15 April, Year 3 to 6 students enjoyed the celebration of National Anime Day, as part of the Japanese language program at Kapinara PS. Mr McGuffin and the Year 6 Japanese leaders held an anime drawing competition, ran a raffle, and invited students to watch Anime movies at lunchtime. Winners of the drawing competition and raffle were awarded with Japanese prizes.  

This was a fantastic way for children studying Japanese to learn some more about Japanese culture. Students were allowed to enter their drawings over the course of around five weeks, so they had a lot of time to prepare. Some children even submitted over 10 entries and received over 10 raffle tickets! A big thank you to Mr McGuffin and the Japanese leaders for organising this and for doing a wonderful job! Mollie E and Amelia F, and the Year 6 Community and Wellbeing Team

Kapinara Disco

Tickets are now available on the P&C Qkr app for our upcoming disco on 10 May!
P&C have let us know that there will be a limited number of gluten free sausages available by request on the night.

Chaplain’s Chat

On Mondays, I work with a team of Year 6 leaders (Arlo, James, Max & Sam) to run Lunch Club in Room 2. It’s intended to be a bit of a chill out zone, where students can have some solo time or play with others, choosing from a range of board games, card games, books, craft, and colouring. The team have been brainstorming ideas to add into the mix, such as interactive quizzes, movies, and technology.

We work on a rotation basis, inviting students from two year groups each week. In Term 1, the clear winners of the “most respectful listeners” and “fastest cleaning up” awards went to the Year 1 and 2 students! I wonder who will rise to the occasion this term?

Lunch Club is well resourced with games, purchased with proceeds from the 2023 Year 6 Fair. However, we’re always on the lookout for more things that can be used for “non-messy arts & craft” (such as ink stamps, origami books and paper, loom bands, beading, finger knitting, colouring books etc). If you have any second-hand-but-in-good-condition items you’d be willing to donate, please drop them to the front office. Thanks!
Mel :)


Saver Plus is a FREE 10-month matched savings and financial education program funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services and delivered by The Smith Family.
The program aims to help participants to learn how to better manage their money and develop long-term savings habits.

Saver Plus is available to anyone who is eligible across Australia.

Eligible participants learn money skills and receive up to $500 to help with their school expenses.
* 10 month program (commence at any time)
* Save $50 a month for 10 months and receive $500 towards educational costs
* Complete up to 10hrs of Virtual workshops called MoneyMinded (support provided)

More information at

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