P&C News

Happy Easter holidays to all! Please remember that Thursday 29th and Tuesday 3rd April are pupil free days. Enjoy :)

A big thank you to our pre -primary families for the wonderful Easter Raffle! Your contributions were fantastic and congratulations to the lucky winners of the prizes. The raffle raised over $1900 for the P&C to spend on items for the school.

The cake stall originally scheduled for today has been postponed and will now be on Friday April 13th at 3pm (Last day of school )

The Kapinara Disco tickets are due by end of today, forms and correct money to be placed at front office please.

ICAS- there is an extension for returns of the ICAS forms until 10th April. Please place completed forms and money at front office by 3pm 10th April.

School photo days are Thursday 5th April and Monday 9th April. If you are ordering sibling photos the cut-off for ordering is midday sharp next Wednesday 4th April through online ordering.

Sport news- Please remember to drop back your Coles Sports vouchers to the box at front office. Thanks for your support.

There is a Kapinara team being established for HBF Run for a Reason. Look up Kapinara when you enter, hope to have lots of people join this great event.

Interschool Swimming Carnival is coming up- Wednesday 11th April.

The Patch– Thank you to everyone who bought produce from the market stall last Friday. We will do it again soon. The Patch is looking for more volunteers. Anyone interested please email akwoodland@gmail.com

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