Robolab Incursion Years 2-5

Dear Parents and Carers

RE: Robolab Incursion: Year 2 – 5 by Playworks

Recently the school, with invaluable assistance from the P&C, purchased 12 Lego WeDo 2.0 classroom kits. Lego building bricks have endless benefits for children including developing problem solving skills, fine motor skills, visual planning skills, improved following of instructions, creativity and mathematical principles, amongst others. When used in a group setting the use of Lego and accompanying challenges opens up a fertile ground for collaboration, friendship building, communication and critical thinking.

To get us off to the best possible start with our new classroom kits we have invited Playworks to conduct an incursion with our Year 2 – 5 students. Through a super-engaging, fun, 90-minute hands-on lab session, your child will apply STEM principles and computer coding to build and program mini robots, and bring their LEGO models to life.


Date 4, 11, 18 November 2019
Cost $15.00 to be added to your term account

Please complete the permission slip below and return to your child’s classroom teacher by Thursday, 31 October, 2019.

Kind regards

Kim Knowles

Deputy Principal

18 October 2019

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